October 3, 2020

The Netherlands one of the most sustainable destinations for expats

In the first-ever Environment and Sustainability Ranking published by InterNations - a network of expats around the world - the Netherlands has been ranked 12th out of 60 destinations for expats when it comes to sustainable living.

The data for the ranking was gathered via InterNations’ annual Expat Insider Survey, one of the most extensive surveys about living and working abroad, in which participants were asked to rate, on a scale of one to seven, their personal satisfaction in eight separate areas: air quality, the natural environment, water and sanitation, the availability of green goods and services, energy supply, local waste management and recycling infrastructure. The rating also covers perception of local government support for environmental policies and how invested the local population is in environmental issues.

Over 15.000 expats took part in the Expat Insider 2020, representing a total of 173 nationalities and living in 181 different countries or territories. For a country to be included in the ranking, a sample size of at least 75 respondents was necessary - this year, 60 countries met this requirement. The survey covers a number of issues, including making friends as an expat and the best cities around the world for expats.

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The Netherlands one of the most sustainable destinations for expats