December 8, 2020

The Netherlands: Another one: Hiker finds a new metal monolith in the Netherlands: "a message from aliens from outerspace, or just a hoax?"

Strange metal monoliths are materialising everywhere, in California, Romania, the Isle of Wight and, according to the latest reports, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. Their rate of appearance is quickening: barely 24 hours separate photos of the lone sentinel on the Isle of Wight’s Compton Beach and the new European manifestations. As these silent messengers follow those seen at wider intervals in Utah, California and Romania it seems that their message is becoming more urgent, the time of their revelation imminent.

One thing is clear to people all around the world, the metal monolith saga will not be ending any time soon as another one has been spotted in the Netherlands.

Similar to the ones in Utah, Romania, California and Britain, the Netherlands, too, has added its name to the list of places where the monolith mystery has itched its place.

"I walked up to it, but there was nothing to be seen around the monolith. Just as if it was placed from above," hiker Thijs de Jong told media — who was the first one to spot the monolith.

Read more at: Another one: Hiker finds a new metal monolith in the Netherlands, World News |