December 10, 2020

The Netherlands - Coronavirus: Reactions to Christmas coronavirus measures in the Netherlands

On Tuesday evening, around 5,5 million people tuned in to watch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Health Minister Hugo de Jonge’s press conference, in which they announced that no coronavirus measures would be relaxed over Christmas.

On the whole, this decision didn't come as much of a surprise, as the number of coronavirus infections in the Netherlands remains high. However, there were some that had hoped for some good news on December 8.

Business owners have become increasingly frustrated with the enforced closure of the catering industry, but were left hoping for some good news after a document from the Ministry of Economic Affairs leaked on Tuesday afternoon. The document stated that, based on figures from the National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM), the catering industry actually only had a very limited impact on the national r-number.

Read more at: Reactions to Christmas coronavirus measures in the Netherlands