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Showing posts with label Diderick Samson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diderick Samson. Show all posts

December 19, 2014


The pieces might have been stuck together, but the "adhesive" attempts of the Center-Right Rutte II  Government are taking more and more desperate forms.

To limit further loss of face lhe Government coalition is trying to find a way to sneak past the Upper Chamber (Senate) blockage of their revised health-care legislation. 

Opposition parties which have been collaborating with the government on major issues have indicated they will not support changes in the legislation.

Read more: Rookgordijn houdt kabinet-Rutte II overeind -

For a translation of this Dutch language report click here, copy and paste in the link of the above webpage and fill in your language requirements 

December 11, 2014

Nederland in onstuimig weer: Als Nederland een bedrijf was zouden we al lang failliet zijn - door: Robert Jan Blom

Het gaat niet al te best met Nederland
Het is om kriegelig van te worden: we zitten nu op zo’n 750.000 werklozen oftewel  8,5 procent van de beroepsbevolking. Bekendebedrijven als Halfords en Mexx worden failliet verklaard, met vele werklozen tot gevolg.

De ene na de andere bank laat weten afscheid te nemen van nog eens enkele duizenden werknemers. KPN kondigt  alweer een afslankingsoperatie aan. En de politici? Zij houden stug vol dat de crisis voorbij is.

Waarom? Omdat u op achttien maart 2015 naar de stembus moet voor de provinciale statenverkiezingen.

Wie alert is, weet dat het pover gesteld is met de financiële gezondheid van ons land. Natuurlijk: een land kan niet echt failliet gaan.

Maar als je een koele cijferaar op onze statistieken zou loslaten, laten we zeggen een private equity aasgier die een vijandig bod op de bv Nederland overweegt, tot welke conclusie zou hij dan komen? Ten eerste zou hij vaststellen dat Nederland Inc. onder een torenhoge schuldenlast zucht. Ten tweede zou hij bijkans worden bedolven onder uit allerlei kasten tuimelende lijken.

Tot zijn verbazing zou hij concluderen dat Nederland overeind wordt gehouden door vrijwilligers die eigenlijk normaal betaald zouden moeten krijgen.

Klik hier voor volledig artikel: Als Nederland een bedrijf was zouden we al lang failliet zijn -

December 1, 2013

The Netherlands - while poor segments of Dutch population suffer Government still legally allowing 20,000 letter-box companies to circumvent taxation

The Netherlands harboring  more than 20.000 letter box companies
A White House factsheet in 2009 reported. "Nearly one-third of all foreign profits reported by US corporations in 2003 came from just three small, low-tax countries: Bermuda, the Netherlands, and Ireland."

Like the Queen in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' who protested that 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks,' the Dutch government hypocritically objected to the Netherlands being dubbed "a tax haven" and the White House agreed and deleted the line. 

The Dutch tax haven, has now more than  20,000 letter-box companies and in recent years even Facebook joined U2, the popular Irish rock group, to circumvent the tax system.. 

The Netherlands also hosts thousands of foreign financial vehicles. Bloomberg reports that a bookkeeper’s home office in Amsterdam also doubles as the headquarters for a Yahoo! Inc. offshore unit. 

It is a scandal that deficit-strapped Holland is raising retirement ages and taxes on the working classes while the Netherlands’ Government of PM Rutte and coalition partner Samson despite their vows to change the law continue to allow their country to be a €10.2trillion conduit on the global tax-avoiding network. 
Bloomberg says that attracted by the Netherlands’ lenient conservative policies and and an extensive network of tax treaties, companies such as Yahoo, Google, Merck & Co and Dell have moved profits through the Netherlands

Using techniques with nicknames such as the “Dutch Sandwich,” multinational companies routed €10.2trillion in 2010 through 14,300 Dutch “special financial units,” according to the Dutch Central Bank. Such units often only exist on paper, as is allowed by Dutch  law.

Google, IBM and Italian oil and gas group ENI head the list of companies using letter-box companies to cut their Dutch tax bills to between 0 and 5%, the Volkskrant daily said in an article.

According to theDutch  Financieele Dagblad , French state companies are also among those using the Netherlands to cut their tax bills.

In the meantime the Dutch Governmen has been dancing around the subject.  

Frans Weekers, Dutch deputy finance minister, said the controversy over the letterbox companies had damaged the Netherlands’ investment climate. “Over the past 10 years the trend has been for the number of letterbox companies in the Netherlands to keep growing. I want to turn that trend around,” Weekers told The Financial Times. “I see the Netherlands being portrayed in a bad light. I don’t want to be portrayed in a bad light."

Recently the Dutch government said tax treaties with Zambia and 22 other poor countries will be revised to allow the incorporation of anti-abuse clauses where necessary, but has not said a word about the major players which have letter box companies registered in the Netherlands and are involved in these tax evading schemes 

The European Commission has now said it will attempt to close a loophole that allows companies to cut their tax bill, a top official said on Monday, but the EU executive will first need to persuade member countries to back the change.

The commission wants rules to prevent companies setting up “letter-box subsidiaries” in countries solely to qualify for a softer tax regime and cut their bill.

Algirdas Semeta, the EU’s taxation commissioner, wants to insert an anti-abuse clause by the end of next year, allowing authorities to target artificial “parent-subsidiary” schemes that flout the spirit of the tax code.

“When our rules are abused to avoid paying any tax at all, then we need to adjust them,” he said. “Today’s proposal will ensure that the spirit, as well as the letter, of our law is respected.”

Semeta declined to name countries or companies that exploited the loophole but said that billions of euros were at stake.
