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Showing posts with label EU Parliamentary Elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EU Parliamentary Elections. Show all posts

May 28, 2019

The Netherlands: Nationalists and populists issues lose favorability in the Netherlands

There was faltering support for the Netherlands to withdraw from the European Union, according to a survey of voters and non-voters in the Netherlands during the 2019European Parliamentary elections. 

The poll, conducted by Ipsos for broadcaster NOS, also showed several nationalist issues falling out of favor with the Dutch public. Just 15 percent of people agreed with a mandate saying the Netherlands should leave the EU. That is down from 24 percent of respondents five years ago. About 65 percent disagreed with the sentiment, with the rest saying they either did not know or did not care. 

Interestingly, about 60 percent of voters said the Netherlands is better as part of the European Union, while fewer than 40 percent of non-voters said the same. Still, about 69 percent want to see the EU grow even stronger because of international tensions, while only 7 percent disagreed.

April 3, 2019

EU Parliamentary elections: Eastern southern Europeans dread emigration more than immigration

EU elections: Eastern, southern Europeans dread emigration more than immigration With just seven weeks to go before EU Parliament elections a sweeping study shows that, despite a rise in anti-immigration rhetoric, many Eastern and southern Europeans say they are more worried about emigration.

February 13, 2019

The Netherlands: Dutch newspaper AD uses misleading headline which could favor populist, nationalistic - anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies - by RM

A recent headline by Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (AD) which stated "Fuss in Germany about proposal to change English language courses in primary schools to Turkish". is misleading, especially if you just read the headline and not the whole story.

If you take the time to read the whole story - however - you quickly realize the heading is misleading.

This change of language from English to Turkish will in reality never happen in Germany or in any other country in the EU.

These kinds of headlines, however, are obviously  "grist to the mill" for the nationalist, anti-immigration, populist parties in the Netherlands and Europe, which are mainly supported by people, who do not want to look any further "than their noses are long", to see the dangers of populism.

This regardless of the fact that there are plenty of examples of populist inspired and created political chaotical disasters in the world, including the emergence of a Trump in America, Orban in Hungary , Giuseppe Conte in Italy, and the Brexit drama, the supporters of the populist movement still have their head in the sand.

As the European parliamentary elections this coming May are quickly approaching, it is good to remember that famous saying  "A warned person counts for two". 

It is high time, that we the people of the EU stop this so-called "populist movement", before they destruct our future, and that we take our purpose of being a democratic counter-balance to the many evil forces surrounding us, more seriously 

For the original AD newspaper report in Dutch click on this link  Ophef in Duitsland over voorstel om Engels op basisschool te vervangen door Turks | Buitenland |

May 20, 2014

De Europese Verkiezingen: Wat dacht Pim Fortuyn over de EU? - RM

Pim Fortuyn - "at your service"
Het tv-programma Altijd Wat van KRO-NCRV zendt vanavond een nooit eerder uitgezonden interview uit met Pim Fortuyn. Het gesprek werd begin mei 2002, vier dagen voor de moord op Fortuyn, opgenomen; de NCRV besloot destijds om het niet uit te zenden.

In het vraaggesprek zei Fortuyn dat hij voor uitbreiding van de Europese Unie was. Hij zei letterlijk: "als premier zal ik vurig voor uitbreiding van Europa pleiten, vooral vanwege de veiligheid en stabiliteit."

Hij noemde Europa een uniek politiek project dat door de Europese bevolking moet worden gedragen. "Als dat niet gebeurt, zal alles uiteenvallen wat is opgebouwd."

En gelijk had Pim Fortuyn, zelf tot op de dag van vandaag.

 Als we ooit mochten teruggaan naar "eigen landje, eigen muntje, eigen zegje" worden we niet alleen levend "opgegeslokt" door de "grote machten"  - maar dan krijgen de multi-nationals zoals Monsanto, Dow, CitiBank, Google, Facebook, etc. in dat geval zeker een nog grotere greep op alles wat we kopen, eten en drinken en nog veel meer. Je moet er niet aan denken..

Gelukkig kunnen wij nu nog steeds via de EU tenminste gezamenlijk wat "tegen-gas" geven aan al die invloeden van buitenaf.

Stem daarom deze week tijdens de Europese verkiezingen vooral met uw gezond verstand en laat u niet beinvloeden door populistische uitlatingen van politici die niet verder kunnen of willen kijken dan hun neus lang is.

Jammer dat Pim er niet meer is om het ons nog eens een keer op zijn altijd scherpe en intelligente wijze goed en duidelijk uit te leggen.


February 12, 2014


Vote and let your voice be heard
Elections to the European Parliament will be held in all member states of the European Union (EU) between 22 and 25 May 2014 (depending on the dates set by the national governments), as decided unanimously by the Council of the European Union.     

It will be the eighth Europe-wide election to the European Parliament since the first direct elections in 1979.

The countdown has started: there are 100 days to go until the first polling stations open for the 2014 European elections. In this second biggest democratic exercise in the world, close to 500 million people can cast their vote for a new European Parliament. The 751 MEPs taking up their seats in July will not only set the course of European policies for the next five years but also elect the leader of the EU's executive body, the European Commission President.

For the first time, the composition of the new European Parliament will determine who will lead the next European Commission, the EU's executive body, which initiates legislation and supervises its implementation. Under the new rules, EU government leaders, who will propose a candidate for the post of the future Commission President, must do so on the basis of the election results.

The European Parliament will elect the new Commission President by a majority of the component members, i.e. at least half of the 751 MEPs to be elected (376). European political parties will therefore, or have already, put forward their candidates for this leading position in the EU before the European elections, thus allowing citizens to have a say over next Commission President.

The new political majority emerging from the elections will also shape European legislation over the next five years in areas from the single market to civil liberties.

The Parliament - the only directly elected EU institution - is now a linchpin of the European decision-making system and has an equal say with national governments on virtually all EU laws. Voters will be more influential than ever. 

If you are an EU national living in another EU country, you have the right to vote and stand as a candidate for the European Parliament elections in that country. Check for details with your Embassy or Consulate.

Vote and let your voice be heard.  The EU Belongs to all of us.

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