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August 11, 2014

Turkey: Erdogan ‘wins’ Turkey presidential elections

Tayyip Erdogan has become Turkey's first popularly-elected head of state after winning a presidential election on Sunday, Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said on his Twitter account."The chairman of the AK Party and the prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has become the first president elected by the people," Bozdag wrote.

His office confirmed the message was published on his official account. Tayyip Erdogan won the election with just over 52 per cent of the vote, Mustafa Sentop, deputy chairman of the ruling AK Party, said.

However, Turkey's electoral authorities are not officially due to announce their first results until today, with final figures due later in the week, but Erdogan, 60, is expected to make a victory address later on Sunday. 

For the first time Turkey — a member of Nato and longtime hopeful to join the EU — has directly elected its president, who was previously chosen by parliament, and Erdogan is hoping for a massive show of popular support.

"Our people will make an important decision for Turkish democracy," said Erdogan as he cast his vote in Istanbul alongside his wife Emine and two daughters and two sons.

Erdogan indicated that he planned to revamp the post to give the presidency greater executive powers, which could see Turkey shift towards a system more like that of France if his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is able to change  the constitution.

Read more: Times of Oman | News :: Erdogan ‘wins’ Turkey presidential elections

August 8, 2014

The Netherlands: Electronic "OV-Chipkaart" for public transportation ticketing not 'user firendly' and an anti-dote for tourists

Almere Muziekwijk station (photo EU-Digest)
The recently launched "OV-Chipkaard "in the Netherlands for people who want to use the Dutch Public Transportation system is turning out to be not  very user friendly and certainly costly for visiting tourists.

The problems become even more complicated when one wants to make use of the special 40% discount on train travel outside of morning rush hours.

This card has to be activated to be used as an OV-chipkaart. To do so you must make an account at the OV-chipkaart website. The website considers the sentence 'activating the card' as 'buying a product in the webshop'. 

But then the card is still not active. You have to 'collect your product' at a ticketing machine or service desk.

The result is that many elderly people no longer travel on buses, trains or trams, as they find, buying and charging an anonymous card too complicated.

We're talking about a user group of travelers who are not very computer literate, and we're asking them to virtually transfer money from their account to a card, where some are not even used to making a withdrawal at an ATM machine with a  debit card.

One can expect that very few of this group which is continuously growing larger will be activating their personalized "OV-chipkaart,  if the system and the activating process remains as complicated and unfriendly as it is today.

What one can describe in politically correct terms is to make it possible that 'technology averse' people or tourists should be able to simply go to a 24 hr. service desk and get help to activate their card.

Especially also for those people for whom public transport is their only way of getting around.

As it stands now, the Dutch OV-Chipkaart is not user friendly and certainly too costly and complicated for local users and tourists

It is high-time something gets done by the Netherlands Ministry of  Transportation about this "OV-Chipkaart" disaster. 


August 4, 2014

The Netherlands: "if we don't watch out, we might all soon be working for the Chinese

In an interview, during the European parliamentary elections, with the Dutch daily Volkskrant, Anette Nijs, a retired Dutch politician of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) who also was the State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science in the Dutch Government of  Balkenende I and II  from 22 July 2002 until 9 June 2004, and also Member of the Dutch House of Representatives from 30 January 2003 until 27 May 2003 and again from 7 June 2005 until 30 November 2006, expressed her concern about weakening of EU and US economic power as opposed to that of China.

"I'm not afraid of China, but emerging countries, with China in the lead, have two engines: the market and the state. We can not compete with that. If China is a large contract in India close to the electrical infrastructure, then the command to Chinese companies. I'd rather not see that happen in Europe. We must therefore ensure that Europe remains at the economic summit. I travel a lot and see what the Chinese do. They build new ports, which will hit Rotterdam directly. They build huge airports that goes Schiphol brands. Their technology is very advanced, which Philips will notice. "

" At the Shanghai Asia Summit, and I suggested to the Chinese PM that China include research questions to combat air pollution put on the Internet. China needs to develop the best proposals and solutions available to the rest of the world

China is still not soing the right things as a developing country. But in the Netherlands and the US, they are already talking about the 'new poor'. Labor costs in the auto industry in Detroit are lower than those in China. As the Netherlands and the other countries in the EU are not careful we will soon be the new low-wage countries and probably working for Chinese companies " 

She also stressed the fact that the political elite within the EU member states should abandon their focus on just their own national interests but instead  focus on broadening and strengthening the unity among EU member states.


July 31, 2014

Middle East: Israeli Massacre in Gaza and the Fallacy of Human Rights

The universal declaration of human rights repeatedly stresses that all people around the world have the right to live regardless of their race, language, and religion. But what is happening in Gaza tells another story. 

It tells the story of powerful countries repeatedly playing on the notion of human rights to  serve their political and economic greed; ironically, these are the very countries who violate what this notion stands for. Media coverage attests to this since viewers watch as the death toll of children, women, elderly people, and even the handicapped rises daily; civilians killed in an unfair and unequal war with no action on behalf of those who can stop it.

War on Gaza has become an international matter. The world has witnessed countless demonstrations supporting the Palestinians’ right for defense, denouncing Israeli terrorism, and urging their government to take real and strong actions. This puts the Israeli government in an embarrassing situation given the fact that even non-Muslims are denouncing its disregard and contempt for human rights.

Arabs also have shown sympathy for and solidarity with Palestinians and have expressed their anger by protesting Israeli crimes and calling for an immediate ceasefire. They have strongly criticized the siege of Gaza and demanded that it be liffted to allow entrance of supplies to the injured.

Thousands of protesters worldwide took to the streets of their cities to urge the United Nations, whose mission is to maintain international peace and security, to pressure the Israeli government to stop this genocide and injustice. The Israeli government’s response to the world’s worries was that “war on terrorism will not stop until terrorism has been uprooted.” This trick has been exploited by Israel to deceive its citizens, as well as the so-called international community.

This can be debunked by simply comparing the number of casualties on both sides. To date, Israeli soldiers have killed more than one thousand Palestinians and injured five thousand; the majority of whom are children according to the Red Cross and NGO reports.

Equally important to consider is that Israeli soldiers bombhouses, target correspondents and civilians, and shoot ambulances; the attack on Aljazeera’s office is a stellar example among many.

On the other side, the Israeli government has declared that 33 of its soldiers have been killed in this war. This ratio indicates that this is not war but rather slaughter of nnocents because they happen to be there and because they have chosen to defend themselves.

Read more: Israeli Massacre in Gaza and the Fallacy of Human Rights | Morocco World News

Ukraine: West's Sanctions Against Russia Remain Relatively Porous - by Marcus Walker and Laurence Norman

The U.S. and Europe are stepping up their sanctions against Russia, but the restrictions remain partial and porous compared with other economic embargoes recently imposed by the West. Bans on buying new bonds of Russian state-owned banks, or on selling some engineering technology to Russia's oil industry, are expected to hurt parts of Russia's economy.

But the measures don't touch Russia's main business with the West: the sale of natural gas and oil to Europe.

That makes the sanctions regime fundamentally different from the sweeping Western embargo that has blocked Iran from selling any oil or gas to its traditional customers in the European Union.

"The EU's core business with Russia has been left untouched," said Stefan Lehne, a scholar at Carnegie Europe, a nonpartisan Brussels think tank. Mr. Lehne said the EU is likely to adopt further sanctions against Russia, including tighter financial-sector restrictions, but that energy supplies won't be touched. "If you really restrict Russian energy exports, then you hurt the EU as much as Russia." EU leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel have said the sanctions can be scaled back if Moscow becomes more cooperative in the Ukraine conflict—or scaled up if it continues to support pro-Russia rebels there.

But few in Europe can imagine a boycott of Russian gas, which flowed West continuously even at the height of Cold War enmity. Many countries across the Continent have no way of replacing Russian gas quickly or affordably.

A sanctions regime that targets secondary economic ties such as banking, specialized engineering and weapons highlights the limits of the EU's room for maneuver. Despite doubts about the ability of the new measures to change the Kremlin's mind, experience shows international sanctions tend to escalate as the affected country finds ways to evade them. That leads to efforts to plug loopholes and tighten them.

And in this particular conflict, political and military events are intensifying rather than defusing the underlying conflict. "The Ukrainian military is showing greater capability, so Russia has to step back or double down" in supporting the rebels, said Robert Kahn, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington.

"So far, the signs are it's likely to double down." Sanctions can be effective when accompanied by a workable political strategy to resolve a conflict through negotiations, but sometimes the EU adopts sanctions "out of a sense that something must be done," said Mr. Lehne at Carnegie Europe. "It's possible that this will be one of the effective cases, but it's not guaranteed," he said.

Read more: West's Sanctions Against Russia Remain Relatively Porous - WSJ

July 25, 2014

US Power Shift Benefits Corporate America: the Hobby Lobby Ruling impact on US and EU US trade negotiations

Last month, as you’ve probably heard, a closely divided Supreme Court ruled that corporations with religious owners cannot be required to pay for insurance coverage of contraception. The so-called Hobby Lobby decision, named for the chain of craft stores that brought the case, has been both praised and condemned for expanding religious rights and constraining Obamacare. 
But beneath the political implications, the ruling has significant economic undertones. It expands the right of corporations to be treated like people, part of a trend that may be contributing to the rise of economic inequality.
The notion that corporations are people is ridiculous on its face, but often true. Although Mitt Romney was mocked for saying it on the campaign trail a few summers ago, the U.S. Code, our national rule book, defines corporations as people in its very first sentence. 
And since the 19th century, the Supreme Court has ruled that corporations are entitled to a wide range of constitutional protections. This was a business decision, and it was a good one. Incorporation encourages risk-taking: Investors are far more likely to put money into a business that can outlast its creators; managers, for their part, are more likely to take risks themselves because they owe nothing to the investors if they fail.
The rise of corporations, which developed more fully in the United States than in other industrializing nations, helped to make it the richest nation on earth. And economic historians have found that states where businesses could incorporate more easily tended to grow more quickly, aiding New York’s rise as a banking center and helping Pennsylvania’s coal industry to outstrip Virginia’s. 
The notion of corporate personhood still sounds weird, but we rely upon it constantly in our everyday lives. The corporation that published this column, for instance, is exercising its constitutional right to speak freely and to make contracts, taking money from some of you and giving a little to me.
Note EU-Digest: the above should be a clear warning to the EU not to sign any major trade agreement with the US wich has laws in place which gives profit based and not democratically run corporations the same legal rights and status as human beings.

Read more: What the Hobby Lobby Ruling Means for America -

Ukraine: Dutch sending unarmed police to Ukraine crash site - by Mike Corder

The Netherlands is sending 40 unarmed military police to eastern Ukraine as part of a ramped-up effort to find the last victims of the downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 still at the wreckage site, Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced late Thursday.

He also is sending forensic investigators to the site to try to piece together exactly what happened when the plane was shot down a week ago, killing all 298 people on board.
U.S. officials say the Boeing 777 was probably shot down by a missile from territory held by pro-Russian rebels, likely by accident.

Rutte said the military police will help the investigators.

"They are really looking like the forensic experts," he said. "They will be extra hands and eyes to look for remaining remains and personal belongings."

His comments Thursday came hours after two military planes carrying 74 coffins landed at a military base in the Netherlands. A day earlier, the two military transport planes — one Dutch and one Australian — brought back the first 40 coffins and more flights were planned for Friday.

Thousands of people have turned out to watch the convoys of hearses drive from the Eindhoven Air Base to a military barracks in the central city of Hilversum, where the remains will be identified by an international team of experts.

The Netherlands has been given the lead in the investigation into what exactly happened to Flight 17 and is taking charge of efforts to identify the dead. This nation of 17 million was the hardest hit, with 194 of its citizens on board the plane.

Read more: Dutch sending unarmed police to Ukraine crash site - US News