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April 9, 2019

Britain - Brexit: Customs Union at Centre of compromise talks

Brexit: customs union at centre of compromise talks ahead of crucial EU summit 

Note EU Digest : The problem is that Theresa May has not been able to put a concrete proposal together supported by a parliamentary majority in the British parliament, and keeps wasting EU members time and finances discussing "pies in the sky".

It is high time now the EU starts to play some hard ball with Theresa May, and gives her an "indefinite extension" until she can come up with a concrete proposal, which is backed by a majority in the British parliament.

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April 8, 2019

Turkey Democracy under corrupt Erdogan is a farce: Erdogan's AKP party which in 2018 Presidential Elections called Erdogan the winnner in just three hours, is now asking for recount after recount in Municipal elections they lost

Corrupt Erdogan's AKP party demands another full vote re-count in Istanbul they lost.

 And the AKP calls that democracy? In the world where democracy is practiced it is usually called, being a sore loser, or worse, a lack of Democracy.

April 6, 2019

Britain-Brexit: EU leaders divided over length of Brexitextension - by Pat Leahy and Patrick Smyth

EU leaders are likely to agree to a further extension of the Brexit process when they meet next week but are divided on whether to grant a short extension – as requested by UK prime minister Theresa May – or a longer period that opens the door for a possible reversal of Brexit.

High-level sources in Dublin and Brussels say discussions continue at European level with some countries, notably France, opposed to a long extension and continuing UK involvement in EU decision-making.

However, they expect that the outcome will be a long extension with conditions attached.

Fears that a future prime minister from the Brexiteer wing of the Conservative Party could disrupt EU business, such as selecting the next European Commission and approving the next seven-year budget, were heightened yesterday when leading Brexiteer MP Jacob Rees-Mogg suggested that the UK would block EU decisions if it remained in the bloc.

Read more at: EU leaders divided over length of Brexit extension

April 5, 2019

Turkey: Erdogan and AKP show their real faces following losses at the Municipal elections in Turkey. Local and foreign observers call Government sore losers and abusers of their powers

Mr Erdogan and his AKP party are showing their real manipulative faces following their losses in major Turkish cities during the municipal elections in Turkey by not accepting most of the results.

Protests have been lodged by the EU and the US to Turkey for this undemocratic manipulative behavior by the Erdogan Government following the Municipal Elections

April 4, 2019

Turkish elections: Erdogan and his AKP are sore losers and not conceding lost elections

Turkish officials order Istanbul recount after Erdogan party appeal Turkish electoral authorities on Wednesday began a vote recount of Istanbul districts after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling  AKP challenged tallies showing an opposition candidate won a weekend local election.

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April 3, 2019

EU Parliamentary elections: Eastern southern Europeans dread emigration more than immigration

EU elections: Eastern, southern Europeans dread emigration more than immigration With just seven weeks to go before EU Parliament elections a sweeping study shows that, despite a rise in anti-immigration rhetoric, many Eastern and southern Europeans say they are more worried about emigration.